
Fibromyalgia is characterized by tender, aching muscles, joint pain similar to that of rheumatoid arthritis, fatigue and sleep disturbances. The areas typically affected are the neck, shoulders, lower back, chest and thighs. It is considered a form of chronic fatigue syndrome, with pain rather than fatigue as the dominant feature. Depression is often a feature, due to lack of sleep. The cause can be viral or a buildup of toxins. Food, drugs, allergies and nutritional deficiencies can also be involved. Neither the cause nor the cure is well understood, but good nutrition can help recovery.

Signs and Symptoms
• Generalized aches and pains accompanied by stiffness
• Fatigue, associated with disordered sleep
• Fibromyalgia is an ailment characterized by aches, pain, and stiffness in the joints and muscles. Other terms for this condition are fibrositis and tension myalgias.
The character of the pain may vary con-siderably. Aside from tenderness with pressure on various parts of the body, there is no related physical abnormality.
Fibromyalgia may be the result of emotional tension or stress. Other causes are far less common. Symptoms are likely to persist for many years.
You will feel the pain in your muscles and at the points where your muscles attach to your bones by the ligaments. Common tender points are at the front of your elbow and hip joint, the back of your knee or shoulder, the base of your neck, and along your vertebrae. Pain and soreness may result from muscle fatigue or prolonged tension, and it may be aggravated by motion.
The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is based on the characteristic symptoms and the absence of evidence of any underlying disease that could account for the symptoms. No laboratory tests confirm or exclude a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, but your physician may order laboratory tests to rule out other conditions.

How to help yourself:
• Antioxidant-rich vegetables
• Vegetable protein
• Nuts and seeds
• Legumes
• Fruits, which may contribute to low blood sugar
• Sugar; products that contain sugar; and high-sugar fruits, such as dried fruit, bananas and watermelon
• Refined flour
• Artificial food additives
• Alcohol
• Food allergies and intolerances. Gluten (in wheat products) and members of the nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and all peppers) often cause problems
• Caffeine (found in coffee, black and green tea, chocolate and soft drinks), which decreases mineral absorption and contributes to the condition
• Dairy products (replace with soy- or rice-based alternatives)
• Salty and pickled foods
• Fried foods
• Pork, shellfish and fatty meats

How Does Acupuncture Help Fibromyalgia?

Acupuncture provides natural pain relief to those suffering from fibromyalgia. This is accomplished in several ways, but the primary way is through the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s pain-relieving substances released during the acupuncture session.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic muscular-skeletal disorder that impacts all body and nervous system areas. Common primary symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Aches across the body
  • Irritability
  • Inability to focus
  • Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia is commonly accompanied by other secondary symptoms and chronic issues, including:
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Depression
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Severe joint pain
  • Painful bladder syndrome
  • Migraines

These secondary and underlining symptoms are essential to understanding how acupuncture can help. Whereas acupuncture helps the primary symptoms of fibromyalgia by stimulating endorphins, it helps secondary symptoms too.

Acupuncture helps enhance mood, improve sleep quality, and alleviate depression symptoms. It stimulates blood flow and enhances energy levels to help alleviate chronic fatigue.

In addition, headaches and migraines are commonly treated through acupuncture by stimulating facial acupuncture points.

How Many Sessions Do You Need?

The number of sessions you will personally need depends on your overall pain and condition. Some have more severe symptoms and may require lifelong sessions to help manage their pain. However, others feel relief after their first session.

You are more likely to feel instant relief if you start your sessions within two years of diagnosis. However, there is no need to wait this long if you feel acupuncture may help your symptoms.

Studies on nine separate groups found that most start to feel pain relief after one month of treatment. This averaged to about 6-8 sessions (or an average of two sessions per week).

Again, this is a very personalized experience. It also varies based on the extent of your issues. You should have a couple of monthly treatments if you suffer mild to moderate joint pain. But, if you experience secondary symptoms, you may require a weekly visit.

Since fibromyalgia is chronic, it is a lifelong issue. If you do not feel any changes or improvements after 12 weeks of treatment, then speak with your therapist. A different method may help, or you might need to seek an alternative treatment.

How Acupuncture Treatment Can Help

While acupuncture seems a little frightening to some, understanding how it improves well-being is essential. The body’s natural immunity is stimulated by inserting tiny, thread-thin needles into specific points of the body.

This might seem counterintuitive, but thousands of years of utilization back these pain relief claims. The beauty of acupuncture is it doesn’t just relieve pain. It also enhances overall well-being.

If you’re suffering from fibromyalgia, don’t suffer alone.

Please reach out to our staff at Advanced Acupuncture and start your healing journey.

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